Sep 8Liked by Determined Ω

Tell Yourself The Truth, William Backus. Helpful book.

When building up an athlete’s skill the only real way to do it is repetition of the skill, with ever increasing speed and difficulty, lots a failure along the way. While failing the athlete has to understand that they are working thru failure to capture improvements. So instead of telling themselves “I suck” “I’m terrible” “I’ll always fail.” They need to tell themselves, “this is how I improve” “this is making me better.”

So, create a process to get where you want to go and trust the process, but your faith in doing the work, create positive mental game by trusting the process. Sport or life, this works.

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Past Conditioning seems like a big part of my problem. I adapted a lot of heuristics that assume people dislike me and want to avoid me based on experiences in High School that made me keep people at arms length since then. I don’t even have the same problems I used to have in High School so those heuristics are probably wrong or at least need reevaluating.

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Man, this a lot of word, yo.

Can I just:

Do > observe result > correct > do?

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This article is all about step 2: observe. If you are psychologically healthy, practice learned optimism, and dont have any of the outstanding issues I have outlined, yes. But for most people, their mentality is pretty corrupted and requires correction, including myself. Its really not as simple as just "observe" when your observations are giving you bad info.

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