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I'm glad you're casting some light onto this self-improvement technique. I've cut out some seriously harmful vices with metascripting & sheer willpower in the last 4 years including alcohol (I have zero problems with my wife enjoying a couple glasses of wine or any other friends or family, whatever, it's just not for me anymore), smoking and porn. Now I don't indulge in any of those things. I am 100% clean of smoking for 2 years, booze for 3 & porn for four. I agree with you too about intimacy. My wife and I focus on the intimacy weekly and MAKE time for it, so porn is a non-issue.

Now that we've defeated these demons together, our final remaining vices are sugar and not working out enough. Those are both next on the list. Thank You, OMEGA JOURNEY for raising the profile of this method. Anything that helps people to successfully focus their Will on knocking down self destructive behaviors is always a really excellent thing to do. Great title for the post too, btw. A+

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