Apr 24Liked by Determined Ω

Mentality is definitely important. Some advice I can give you is this: -When you start to feel the energy of your environment pushing you, use your own energy to push back. If you make a habit of it , the paralyzing fear that you feel every day will begin to subside. Your mind will become more clear.

-If you don't feel comfortable in the realm of male competition, that's ok. Start off channeling your aggression and buried anger in the gym. As you lift weights, those feel good chemicals will be your friend. The muscles that you will gain will make you more confident. You'll start to notice that you have more power and control over your space.

Good luck out there.

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Apr 23Liked by Determined Ω

"If you try to trick yourself with false positives, you will probably enter a GAMMA-like state of cognitive dissonance as your false beliefs are always on the verge of collapsing."

Yeah that's the perfect description to the trap of self-help books and seminars. They try to whip you up into a positivity-fervor where you just have to belieeeeeve in yourself and you will succeed. It might suck to pop a delusion and realize your true station but self-soothing with lies is walking back into that delusion.

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There is definitely some good self help but it is never as simple as most of them claim. You must always start from honesty or else all of your energy will be spent fighting reality to keep your delusions alive.

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It helps to re-attribute negative thoughts to demons. Despair is satan's weapon.

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Oh yes, agreed. For Despair is itself, a sin. I believe Vox Day has spoken in depth on this subject. I remember using what he opened my mind up to to then pull myself out of my own pathetic sanctimonious wallowing, like an adolescent rolling around on the bed in self-pity. Seeing my negative behavior that way made me realize what a stupid waste of time it really was, so as Ivan Throne likes to say, i just...got up and walked and willed my way out of it. Well, that and lots of prayer for strength. And you know what? It worked; and still does. Every time.

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Devil literally means 'slanderer'.

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This is more true than you think.

Movies always portray demons as having ominous and/or raspy voices when they possess someone, but what if the power of demons relied on the fact that they can speak to you in your own voice, and therefore pretend that their thoughts are actually yours?

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There are certainly external influences which are sinister and desire your downfall. Modern America often turns a blind eye.

But don't go so far as to use that as an excuse. My sinful thoughts and desires are often just that--mine. I can't "game" the world. I am only in control of how I act/react.

Traditional Christianity would refer to this concept as our "sinful nature." The term "sanctification" was coined to describe progress in overcoming the various forms of temptation and aligning our thoughts, words, and deeds with the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

High-status men don't have time for the self-destructive behavior of Omegas and Gammas or the solipsism/narcissism of Deltas. They are goal-oriented and leverage people to accomplish those goals. To an Alpha/Bravo, you are a tool, and they will replace you with a less problematic one if you become too troublesome or difficult to work with. Deltas can be managed with explicit directions on tasks within their wheelhouse, and Gammas can be reined in by a competent Bravo who knows how to redirect their destructive behavior towards accomplishing tasks that make them feel "Special" without being singularly essential to the goal's success.

Dealing with Omegas can be challenging, as their nature and motivations are a complete mystery to Alphas and Bravos. Omegas are so far outside the hierarchy that they are essentially non-persons, relegated to their dark corners where they perform specialized tasks for which others often take credit. Among the Omegas I've managed, their motivations generally revolved around interests outside of work. To motivate them, I ensured they had ample time to pursue those interests without the pressure of meeting my boss's demands, as long as they accomplished their assigned tasks. The results were mixed.

The importance in how you're viewed can help in forming relevant opinions and convictions about yourself. You are harder on yourselves than anyone else, and the truth is Alphas/Bravos don`t think about you.

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Fascinating insight into how others see omega. Important to keep the reality of the situation in mind.

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I've noticed that self-destructive thoughts come in two varieties:

-Against yourself: "I'm worthless, I should kill myself" (unless you're a tetraplegic with Alzheimer's, you should never think of killing yourself)

-Against others: "This person hurt/offended me, I must hurt them back" (either this person had no evil intent against you and you just interpreted his actions as evil, or in the few cases his intentions are actually evil, most of the time the way you think you'll hurt them back will only hurt yourself more)

Omegas tend to fall for the first, Gammas for the second.

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We can’t change the past but we can take steps toward a better tomorrow

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Your convictions about yourself are about as relevant as others' convictions about yourself. And in your case those are probably imaginary.

The reality is that you are not just at the bottom, you see the bottom in the far distance when you look up. It's absolutely normal to expect failure when that's all you've know. It's not possible to hope for a success you can't even imagine. No need to look for curses where there are none.

Your only way up is through. You have it backwards. You get to have the mindset of a victor when you win, not before that. So be pessimistic, plan for failure, just make sure you actually go through with the plan and do fail. Everything else is gamma cope territory.

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Mindset is primary. If I were to take your advice and remain pessimistic but still try to succeed it would quickly destroy my morale and momentum.

Remember that in the same way it is hard for the average SSH profile to comprehend the experience of SIGMA it is also hard to comprehend the depths of OMEGA despair. The reality is most dysfunctional OMEGAs have a completely corrupted morale which is supported by identity-level convictions that were often foisted upon them by irresponsible parents, mentors, and caretakers. These convictions are in themselves a product of conditioning and often full presumptions, half truths, and all sorts of corrupting influences. When they become apart of your identity, they will absolutely turn every success into a failure and every failure into an even bigger failure. In other words, it is extremely difficult to actually experience success as a dysfunctional OMEGA even if you have objectively achieved it. It is a kind of mind blindness that will sap your motivation entirely.

Deciding to change this state of mind does not have to lead to GAMMA-like dishonesty. Instead, simply learn to recognize and focus on the positive. Eventually, the bad convictions will be replaced by new, honest ones that more accurately reflect your situation.

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Read that again. I never advised you to try to succeed. That's clearly not in the cards for you, at least just yes. Failure however is completely achievable, a huge step up from taking no action at all, and a definite sign you've not given into despair.

By all means try to change your mindset to be more hopeful and positive. That can't hurt, sure. But you clearly have a hard time doing that. More likely in trying to do so, you will only overthink and rationalize your way out of taking action.

Whatever change you are looking for, it only going to come after a ton of probably embarrassing and inadequate failures. You might as well start racking the numbers up.

Since the "I will succeed" positivity is beyond you, shoot for the "hey, that fall wasn't half as bad as I expected" positivity. And that can only come after actually falling and getting up.

You know what? Before writing your next post go out and miserably fail at what you are trying to do. Then come back and describe your failure as comprehensively as you can.

Being a loser is a huge step up from being no one at all.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Author

This gets into Mark Queppet's idea of the status narrative and how you define success. Taking no action is also a form of failure. Most OMEGAS are perpetually in such a state. You are correct that trying and embracing failure is important, but I am saying unless you have prepared your mind for it, it will be like kicking a crippled man down. Most OMEGAS will have very primitive emotional management so I write to that baseline first.

But your comment reminds me it is time to describe my situation and current successes and failures in more detail to the readers. It is hard to follow a journey when you do not know where the person is relative to their goals.

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