Mar 27Liked by Determined Ω

Excellent post. My first impulse is to offer encouragement and tell you think better of yourself and stop putting yourself down. But I imagine that you've been told that before.

It is my opinion only that people who have excess social fear or are easily intimidated by others are suffering from a problem with their internal "burden of proof" circuit.

I may have this wrong but I think that what often happens is that the specific type of Omega thinking you are describing can come from a person imputing more authority and status to others than they maybe deserve, while simultaneously discrediting themselves or second-guessing their own abilities.

I have observed that the truly high-status are often less to be feared and more gracious than those further down because they are secure in their status. It is the mid-status people who are often the most vicious strivers, and the ones who are the most careless - or intentional - in stomping on others who they perceive as lower status.

Some are not even stomping on the lower status, but are merely insensitive to those around them. Most people are not very empathetic to those around them as they are too absorbed in their own fears or ambitions.

This will be one of the first things to overcome - far fewer people are assessing or judging you than you may perceive. And most of the time, you may be unconsciously transmitting your self-perception and people will latch onto that and it becomes self-fulfilling. Your biggest opponent is an internal one.

It is a cliche to say that the road ahead is long and hard. But that would be wrong. It is likely short and hard. I don't say that to be humorous. You have to beat the internal enemy that has convinced you that you are less and that you deserve to be regarded as such.

Once you are past that, you get to a trickier point - your reaction to that. People who have been betrayed or abused can react very counter-productively once they get their internal orientation right. You're going to have to forgive some people, and let some other things go - not because it is wrong to want to call it out, but because it will be a distraction to your progress.

I often think that some Omega men have a sort of "reverse narcissism", in that rather than always feeling like they should be superior, they truly feel like they are deserving of being regarded as lower.

There is most likely nothing about you that makes you any different than the majority of the rest of us. You are entitled to the same level of respect and regard as any of us other average guys. Aim for the middle and you will be surprised how satisfying it can be. If you can make it higher, then good for you as well.

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Mar 27Liked by Determined Ω

Wishing you all the best on your journey. I've had many Omega friends over the years but none have ever had the courage to overcome their limitations, may you pave the way for others to follow. Kudos and God Bless you.

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Interested in your perspective


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The very unfortunate part is that the distrust of authority is very well warranted. Omegas I know were abused by their parents in various ways and either avoid or become codependant with authority figures.

And in my experience? The omega does get abused by future bosses, relationships, etc. Whether it's self fulfilling or simply that the omega doesn't abuse back is a bigger question. They are true friends since they aren't wrangling for status unlike a Gamma, although they do vanish for a year at a time.

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Go to Dennys. Take a booth. Stand up and shout, "Christ is King". Sit down and count to ten. See how many people are actively looking at you. There will be none. Internalize that no one really cares. Go live life with that freedom.

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Wishing you all the best on your journey. Subscribed.

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Congrats on getting a bid from the Dark Lord and good luck with the blog!

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I may not be an omega, but I certainly wish I were more successful, and my inaction is based on distrust of others. I don't think of anyone as an authority figure and I'm not afraid of their reactions. Rather, I don't interact with people and try to sell them my vision or get a raise or whatever because I think 1) they won't understand 2) they're incapable of being educated or persuaded 3) their behavior won't change even if they like me and agree with me 4) no one is going to help me, cooperate or fulfill their side of a bargain.

Some of this I know is irrationally negative, and some is perfectly true in the situation I'm in. That doesn't mean everyone is useless. Somewhere out there are people who could bring value to a relationship. As fake as a lot of influencers are, there are people out there starting successful businesses etc. and working together.

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Much Enjoyment 👍😎

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